Philly on Fire

Placeholder page for info on the 2013 Dresden Files campaign.

Link to Seth's rundown on session #1:

James' Short Story:
For the last few weeks I've been working with this woman, Eva.  I met her by chance at a bar.  She's been great, helping me follow a particularly juicy lead on the Rax.  She's also hot as hell, which is of course a serious bonus.  Reg thinks she's up to something but he's full of shit.  Probably just jealous.  So we've been spending quite a few evenings together -- enjoyable evenings.  Tonight was especially enjoyable -- until everything went to hell in a naked, flaming handbasket.

My first clue that I was in trouble came when the bedroom door burst open and in shuffled ... Cthulu, or the Beast from the Tentacle Dimension or something.  Clutched in its tentacles was a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates.  "Happy Anniversary, honey!" it cried.  [Maybe tonight should be called "Bat-Shit Insane Night".]  Eva gave Mr Tentacles a guilty look, then turned what I can only describe as an apologetic glance to me.  Oh great.  The Hottest Chick in Philadelphia is the girlfriend of the Creature from the Black Lagoon.  I lost no time in bailing out the window.  The second-story window.  My instincts kept me from breaking a leg, but I was cut up by the glass. Look out, Philly: naked Australian at twelve-o'clock.  Wait, that might not be so odd in this city.  I was going to get arrested for public nakedness, but that was the least of my worries.  I must've turned the wrong corner, because I ran smack into a pack of not-so-friendly neighbourhood thugs.  I think they were expecting me, because they didn't even laugh at my nakedness.  I wish they had.  As it was I had no time to prepare a defence.  As one, they jumped me.  I woke up blindfolded, bound, gagged, upside-down, and still naked.  In walked Eva. I'd recognise the click of those heels anywhere.  She mocked me for a few minutes, then introduced a man who needs no introduction: Europe's most inept bounty hunter, Le Rien.

Just as I was pondering how to get out of this predicament, the place exploded.  I fell a few feet and landed painfully on a heap of sharp, pointy rubble.  Not knowing where anything was, I just started squirming my way over the mess.  I heard Le Rien and Eva shouting, and I also heard Reg's voice.  Shit.  What the hell was Reg doing here?  Being tied up and blindfolded, I couldn't tell what was going on.  There was a shot, a scuffle, and then nothing.  I kept crawling until I heard sirens.  The cops collected me, not without checking me for injuries, but also not without plenty of snarky remarks about my condition and how I might've ended up that way.  I gave them the rundown on what had happened, less the tentacled monster.  They took me to hospital to get patched up, then booked me for public nudity.

Open threads:
* Eva Maslow (White Court Vampire) survives.  Has Sterling's mobile and wallet.
* Le Rien survives.  It's only a matter of time before the world at large knows he successfully captured Sterling, even if only for a brief time.
* Reg captured.

=It's likely Sterling's involvement with Eva is at least part of what allowed her and Le Rien to frame Charon for the murders.=

New stunts:

* "I'm Gonna Let This .45 Do The Translatin' For Me" - use Guns skill for Intimidate
* Supreme Concentration - Discipline is Fantastic (+6) when it would modify another skill

Guns raised from (+5) to Fantastic (+6) *** I can't actually do this because of the pyramid structure of the skills? **

Resources and Presence switched
+1 Refresh

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